Personal Details:


Beate Christiana Batiajew

* 1953, Nuremberg, Germany

Married, 3 daughters




Education and artistic development


2005 marked the year that I began to look for a new direction in my life after having spent the previous 25 years in employment and with family duties.


In September 2005 I started a 4-year study course at the

"Freie Akademie für Malerei", Dusseldorf

(Free Academy of Painting, Dusseldorf), which I successfully completed in December 2009 with the diplom.


2005/2006 Assistence in project

„Kulturforum Schloss Kalkum e. V.“, Dusseldorf.

Founder of association: Kurt Sandweg, an internationally renowned sculptor.


Alongside my studies of painting I have been concerning myself intensively with the medium of photography with emphasis on:

  • The examination of nature

  • Light effects

  • Spaces in buildings

  • Reduced contents



Study journeys led me to Australia, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy and The Netherlands.


Membership in "Bund internationaler Künstler (BiK) e. V."